Click on the Topic of Choice!

Early Humans

Aboriginals of North America
Monkey Trial    
Mayan Civilization    
Chinese Civilization    
Silk Road    
Islamic Civilization    



1.-Great Resources from Maple Ridge!
2.Prescribed Learning Outcomes from the Ministry!
3.suggested Course Outline!
4. Why do Civilizations collapse!
5.Technology and the classroom!
6.Incredible history links!
7.Super site on European Explorers


1. Good Visuals with shock wave!
2. Good general introduction!
3. Story of Lucy-Un.of Washington!
4. Human Fossil Evidence in China!
5. Modern Humans-Neanderthals!
6. Biography of Louis Leakey!
7. Human Evolution Game/Tree!
8. Charles Darwin-Origin of the Species!
9.Archeological Experience in Egypt-Week by week!



1. Good Timeline and links!
2. Research station on the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific
3. Good links on Darwin and the Monkey Trial!

9. Audio on DNA link to human evoultion

10. Evolution/Creation?Both True??
11. Creation-True or False??
12.. Sc.American article on Leakey contribution!-many links!
13..Lesson plan on human evolution!
14..World's Oldest Human found in Kenya-December 2000!


1.. Monkey Trial 1925-Hollywood Version!
2. Famous Trials-Scopes!
3.. Time-Line on Legal Implications of Teaching Evolution!!
4.. Newspaper Headlines of Trial!



Top of Page Please!


Canada /United States of America





    1..Creation Theories-North American
    2.Anthropology-Web LInks!
    3.Information from Yale!
    4,Conroversy on the BSLB!
    5.Yukon Beringa Site!

    .Stolo People at Mission!
    .Stolo Essays

    Stolo Electronic Library! xa:ytem-9000 years of Stolo
    Aboringinal Claims-Stolo Middle School Links!

    .Traditional Families-Stolo People!

      .Cool picture of Arizona natives!
    Navaho/Hopi L:and Dispute
    Kachina Dolls from the Peublos!
    Indian Residential Schools in Canada
    Canadian Goverment Report on Schooling
    Game on West Coast Groups!
    Coast Salish Project from J. Douglas School!

    Good Links from Mr. Hallman
      .ABC News research of Washington native"Kennewick Man"
    Nova: Puts a Face on K. Man!
    Should the bones be studied or given to natives?
    British Columbia Treaty Commission
    Social and Economic Impacts of Land Claims
    .North American Native Links!
    .American Indian News!
    Treaty Negotiations-Map on Lower Mainland!
    500 years of Indian Resistance!
      California Tribes-Grade 4 Project!
    San Diego Natives
    Good Outline: California Pre-European History
    Substance Abuse-Economic Costs
    Substance Abuse-Orgeon
    .1.Good Information on the Bering Straits Land Bridge!! Aboriginal Education in British Columbia
    Understanding the Metis
      1.Whale Hunt in Coastal Oregon!
    2.Power Points-American Indians!
    Conflicts with whites!-Gustafson Lake Standoff!
    Self-government for American Indians

    Comments by Canadian T. Berger

  • .





    1.Important example of Chart!


    Early Minoan/ Civilization (Island of Crete-3000 B.C.-1000 B.C.)

    1. Sir Arthur Evans ( bibliography)
    3. Super links here!
    4. Ask Dr. Dig!
    5. Super INformation here!
    The Palace discovered by Sir Arthur Evans!


  • Greek Olympics


  • 1. Good Resource on early games!
    2. Virtual Tour of Olympia!
    3. Ancient Games!
    4. Early History!
    5. Greek origin and symbol of modern games!
    6. Good History!
    7. Quiz on Greek Olympics!
    8. Sydney Olympic Games!
    9. Early Mediterranean History!

    10.1896-Document starts Modern Olympics!
    11.Strange tales from Modern Olympics!
    12.Resources for Olympics!
    13.Why were the Olympics revived!
    14.PIctures of Ancient Greece!
    15.Lesson Plan on Greek Olympics-Elementary!
    16.C.B.C. -Modern Olympics-Outline!
    17.Architecture of Ancient Olympics!
    18.Ten Reasons to Oppose the Modern Games!!!
    19.Good Outline of Events!
    20.Greek Empires!
    21. Greek roots for the Games!!- good comparison with Sydney

    23.Virtual Tour of Ancient Game Site!
    24. Super Visual Site on Ancient Games!
    25. Peloponnese-site of Games!
    26. History of Sports
    27. An E.S.L. Quiz on the Olympics
    28.Lesson Plans on Greece/Vocab Units from Mr. Donn!
    29.Super Links on Wonders on the Ancient World-Temple of Zeus!
    30. Cool Site on the Modern Olympic Museum!

  • 1. Greek Gods- super links!
    2. Great visuals
    3.PowerPoint Presentation on Gods! Super!
    4.Lot of information on Gods!
    5. Links and Pictures!
    7.Images of the Gods
    8.Stories of the greatest Hero-Hercules
    9.Olympic Gods
    10.Incredible Links/Maps and great stuff!
    11.Seven Wonders of the Ancient World!
  • Study guide for Aristophanes Lysistrata
    Super Study guide and questions on Lysistrata!


  • 1. Super sketches!
    2. Super images!
    3.History of Greek Architecture!
    4.INfluence of battles on Greek Temples!
    5.Colorized versions of ancient temples!
    6.Super site with Greek rap music!
    7.Greek art and architecture!
    8.Links from Britannica
    9.Athens architecture!
    10.Acropolis of Athens

    Top of Page Please!!


    1. Great Links!
    2. Army of Alexander
    3. Great Details here!
    4. Influence of King Philip
    5. The tomb of Alexander!
    6. Alexander -great comments!


  • A Indus Valley Links

    1.Early Culture! and links!
    2a.Indus Valley Infor-first civilization in India!

    3.Ayrans and early history!
    4.Lesson Plans on Early India
    5.General information!
    6.Super Slide show on Indus Valley
    7.Many links and resources on Indus Valley
    8.Great Links
    9.Early history
    10.Great Social Studies help!
    11.Lesson Plan on Indus River Culture!

    Aryan Invasion of India

  • 1. Myth of the impact of this Invasion!
    2.Traditional Information of the Fall of the Indus Valley Civilization!
    3. Lesson Plans on Ancient India
    4. Brief Description of Indus culture!
    5. Cool Pictures and Graphics
    6.Economics of the Indus Valley!
    7.Good Information!
    8.Controversial Information on Aryan Invasions!
    9.Challenges to the AIT
    10.TimeLine on Ancient India!!

    Gupta Empire-Golden time in India!

  • 2.Brief Information on the Guptas!
    3.Time Line and many links to empires of India
    3. Maps on India
    4.Golden Age!
    5.Brief Outline!
    6.Daily Life from Mr. Dunn!
    7.Article from Britanica
    8.Decline of Kingdom!.
    9.Good general resource
    10.Ancient History Page


    1.Brief history
    2. Article from Britiannica!
    3. Great Links from Canada!
    4. U.N.E.S.C.O. site at Ajanta
    5. Art and Paintings in the Caves!
    6. Tourist information
    7.Buddhist Architecture
    8. Great photos here!
    9. Art Education-British Soldiers!
    10.Buddhist art during the Gupta Era!



    1. Cave and art forms from Elephanta
    2. Middle School Links!
    3.See a movie on Hinduism!
    4.Great links-Elementary and Secondary
    5.Story of Rama
    6.Super Links to Hindu festivals and ideas!s
    7.India Architecture
    8.Super book on India history!
    9.Super images!
    9.Caste System-Some changes in the 1990's to women!
    10.Lord Shiva-Lord of the Dance
    11. More notes on the Caste System for Kevin!
    12. History of the Castes
    13. Castes- a word from the Portugal!
    14. Information from Microsoft!
    15. Varna or Caste System
    16. 2000 Castes!!
    17.Caste System Compared to Plato's Divisions in Ancient Greece!
    18.Comments from a computer programmer from India!
    19.Diamonds are Forever!-related to Brahamans!
    20Caste System in New Spain!

    Top of Page Please!


    1. Collapse of Mayan Civilization!
    2.Cities and great links!
    3. Unmasking the Mayas-Information from the Smithsonian
    4. Details on the civilization!
    5.Super links for culture!and mathematics!
    6.Mayan art books and links!
    7.Math from the Mayas!
    8. Great Site from Science Museum
    9.Mayas from Guatemala
    10.Help on a project in Belize!
    11. Land Rights for the Modern Mayas!
    12. Eco-tourism in this Jungle!
    13.Mayan calendar and good information here!
    14.Tomb of the Jade Jaguar
    15.Travel Opportunities at Cancun!
    16.Great Images
    17.Good fire information!
    18.Super pictures and links!
    19.Super pictures
    20.Sites in Belize
    21.Field study from Boston University
    22. Dates in the Mayan Calenday and great graphic
    23.Art and Architecture of the Mayas!!
    24.Digitial Images from Central America
    25.Pyramids of Mexico-connected to Egypt??
    26.Mayan Calendar and Tourist link!
    27.Great Site
    28. Virtual Tour of Sites!
    29.Arch Project in Yucatan!
    30Maya Civilization-conflict history and links!
    31.Lesson Plan for a NewsReport on the Classic Mayas!
    32.History of Belize
    33.Super Adventure here!
    34. Guidline for Research and Evaluation
    35.Links between the mayas and hindus!
    36.Luxury in the land of the Mayas
    37Rabbit in the Moon
    38.Theft in the Tomb!
    39.Classic Times
    40.Writing System!
    41.National Geographic Resources-Super Excellent-Adventures for kids!
    42. Incredible Presentation by Students at David Thompson on Chichen Itza



    . Mayan sacrificial axe-pictures from a David Thompson student!-Its a mayan SACRIFICAL AXE, not a battle axe. -the handle is adorned with a man wearing a hawk helmet, cradling a snake. -The top was for slashing, the bottom for peircing. -both the blades, and the mans face are made with Onyx. -The reason it looks so new, is because it is restored.

    To the Top of the Page!


    1. Foot-binding for girls!-A fashion statement??
    2.Great Links!
    2.a Great Links: Map on Warring States( Finally conquered by the First Emperor)!









    3.Early Chinese History for Beginners!
    4. Mr. Dowling's Electronic Passport!
    5.Problems with the Three Gorges across the Yantze River

    .Mr. Donn and Early Life in China-Middle School Excellent Site!
    7.Super Links!
    8.More history links!
    9.History Information from Christy's Garden!
    10.The Great Wall and Ming Tombs!
    11. Super Information and Links!
    12.Simplication of Chinese Language??

    13.History Time-Line!
    14CNN Great ARch Visuals
    15.Peking Man!
    16.Religious Beliefs
    17.First Emperor-Clay Army!
    18.Good Information on First Emperor!
    19.Displays on the First Emperor!
    20.Last days of the Emperor!
    21.Lecture Notes on Chin
    23.Great Wall
    24.Facts of the GReat Wall by the Discovery Channel!
    25.How the Wall was built over 3 Dynasties!
    26, Founding of the First Empire
    27.Good Short description of First Emperor!
    28.Burning of the Books!
    29. What ever happened to the Mighty Quin!- Web Quest excellent!
    30.INformation on the warring states!
    31. Is the first emperor of China more important than Alexander the Great??


    1, Good Pictures and Information here!
    2. First Imerial Era!
    3. Great Pictures here!
    4. Case Study-the Wall!
    5.150 Sites Connected!!
    6. Tourists have gone to the wrong wall!
    7. Consruction of the Great Wall!
    8. Design for fortifications!
    9.Lesson Plans for the Great Wall!
    10.Wall Chronology!


    Silk Road!

    1.Nature of the Route!Is this taught at David Thompson??
    2.Super Links!
    3.History and Maps!
    4.INformation from Encarta!
    5.Lost Cities!
    6.Jewels along the Route!
    7..Geography of the Route!
    8.History and the Mongols!
    9.Simple Site and Map
    10.Named by a German Scholar!

    What is the purpose of this device??

    1. Great Links!
    2.Population Relocation!
    3.Human Rights Violation??
    4. Looting in the Valley!
    5.Lesson Plan on the Dam!
    6.Enviornmental Problems with Dams Around the World!
    7.Facts from CNN on the Dam!
    8.Risks worth it??
    9.Information from People's Republic!!
    10.Geography Game on the Dam!-Try it!

    1.China's Mummies
    2. Good Detail Discussion here!
    3.Beauty of Loulan!-Great Images from Discovery Channel!


    ---- ------1------- ------------- 2--------------------------3-----------------------









    1..Nation of Islam (America) in the 20th Century!
    2. Nation of Islam Exposed!
    3.Controversy in the Islamic World in America!
    4. Time Line and Links for the Nation of Islam
    5.Malcolm X- the angriest man in America!
    6.Speeches from Malcolm X!
    7.Life story of Malcolm
    8.Was the American Government Involved in Martin's and Malcolm's Deaths??
    10.Are Muslims a threat in America??
    11. Excellent Resource from History-Black Muslims in America!
    12.Timeline for Malcolm X!
    13. Spike Lee: Producer of the film~!

  • .
  • 1.Super links -Europe and Turkey!
  • 2. Links from Public Broadcasting- Islam Empire of the Sun!
  • 3. Some Characteristics of Islam-History University Course!
  • 4. Islamic Architecture that may be destoryed in Afghanistan!
  • 5. Mosques around the world!

  • 1.Great links here!
  • 2. Art and links of Persia!
    3. Arabic Language and Culture!
    4. Mosques around the world!
    5.Mosques of the Middle Ages!
    6, Great Information from the Metropolitan Art in New York!
    7. Article from Encyclopedia
    8.Islam on the Net!
    9.Quiz and Information from BBC
    10, Moorish art in Spain!

    Terrorism in the World


    1. Osama Bin Ladin: Essay -Wealth and Arms!
    2. Biography and Profile on Bin Ladin
    3. Biometrics used to stop terrorism!
    4. Conflicts in the Middle East-Mr. Dowling Site!,
    5. Great Links and Reports from the British Broadcasting System!)
    6.Defintion and discussion of Terrorism from Encarta!
    7.Articles from Counter-Terrorism Study Group!


    Noah's Flood
    1. Biblical Information here!

    2. The Great Flood
    3. Ballard and the Black Sea: Information from the National Geographic!
    4. Problems with the Global Flood Theory
    5. William Ryan & Walter Pitman: Some Comments on the Black Sea Theory!
    6. Where did all water come from and go!!
    7.Comments from Scientific Americian!
    8. Problems with the Flood and Ark Theory!
    9.Canadians challenge Flood Theory and the Black Sea!
    10.Manitoba finds evidence of Flood Theory!
    11.Thousands survive the Flood
    12. Short information on Noah's Ark
    13. Black Sea: Maps and Charts!
    14.Great Links!
    15. Exploring the creation/evolution debate & Flood Theory!