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December Assignment on New France

Please complete the following chart

S. Champlain as the "Father of New France"

  Dates Examples
Explorer of New Territory

a. 1603-1604




a. Acadia: Bay of Fundy
c..Ottawa River.......................


Cartographer ( Excellent Map Maker)   Great Map of 1632
Anthropologist   studied local natives a..................b......................c...............
Supporter of the Fur Trade  
Suporter of the Catholic Church   brought in 2 religious orders to Quebec a....................b........................
Great Administrator  
Military Leader  

a. Native Indian Alliances-------

b.French Officials in Paris...........................



II Based on your research write 1-2 paragraphs stating why the title given to Champlain is appropriate!














French Revolution and Napoleon Test!!

Part One - French Revolution Please answer the following 20 multiple choice questions!

letters would be ok!




1. The destruction of the Bastille of July 14 1789 was a significant event in the French Revolution because it::

(a) freed hundreds of philospheres who became leaders o the Revolution

(b) proovided the revolutionists with large quantities of arms

(c) removed a hatred symbol of despotism

(d) gave the revolutionistss a strong fortress in Paris.


2. Which were the two privileged classes in France before the Revolution?

(a) nobility and peasants

(b) nobility and clergy

(c)nobility and bourgeoisie

(d) clergy and bourgeoisie


3. Which class was most powerful in France immediately after the Reign of Terror?

(a) nobility

(b) clergy

(c) middle class

(d) peasants

4. The legislative body of France before the French Revolution of 1789 was the

(a) National Assembly (b) Parliament ( c) Third Estate (d) Estates-General

5. The last French king under the Old Regime was

(a) Louis XV (b) Louis XVI (c) Louis Philippe (d) Louis Napoleon

6. A writer whose ideas influenced the Declaration of the Rights of Man was

(a) Rousseau, (b) Robespierre (c) Richelieu (d) Hugo

7. An important cause of the French Revolution (1789) was the

(a) unfair system of taxation (b) abdication of the King (c) abolition of feudalism (d) persecution of the Huguenots

8.. The first act of violence during the French Revolution was the
(a) guillotining of Danton (b) execution of Marie Antoinette (c) coup d etat (d) storming of the Bastille

9. The author of the Social Contract was (a) Rousseau (b) Voltaire (c) Locke (d) Jefferson

10.The funamental cause of the French Revolution of 1789 was the (a) Reign of Terror (b) attempted flight of the king

(c) fear of foreign invasion (d) abuses of the Old Regime.

11." Men are born and remain equal in rights. Law is the expression of the general will" is stated in the

(a) United Nations charter (b) English Bill of rights (c) Magna Carta (d) French Declaration of the Rights of Man

12. Which of following taxes is not associated with the group which collected it?

(a)taille--the King (b) octroi--the bourgeoisie

(c) feudal dues--the nobles (d) tithe--the Chruch (e) gabelle--the King

13. A permanent result of the French Revolution of 1789 was the

(a) abolition of the feudal class system

(b) establishment of a two-party system of government

(c)loss of French overseas empire

(d) destruction of the bourgeoisie

14.Foreign intervention during the French Revolution helped to bring about the

(a) occupation of France by England

(b) establishment of an absolute monarchy

(c) Reign of Terror

(d) destruction of radical groups

15. In their writings Voltaire and Rousseau emphasized the

(a) superiority of the French nation

(b) opportunities for world domination by France

(c) deeds of French heroes

(d) injustices of the times in France

16. Which best explains why the revolt against the Old Regime began in Frnce earlier than in Central Europe?

(a) there was greater suffering in France,

(b) punishment for revolt was less severe in France

(c) the king's power was more absolute in France

(d) the middle class was more numerous and enlightened in France.

17. The Brunswick Manifesto ordered the people of Paris to surrender to the Austrian and Prussian armies. (True or False)

18. This law gave the French government control of the Catholic Church:

(a) Tennis Court Oath

(b) Civil Constitution of the Clergy

(c) Committee of Public Safety

19. Island where Napoleon was exiled:

(a) St. Hicks (b) Melba (c) Elba (d) Corsica

20.The Reign of Terror lasted:

(a) 2 years between JUly 1792-July1794

(b) 1 year between Jan 1793-Jan 1794

(c) 1 year between July 1793-1794

d) soon after the establishment of the Directory







  • part 2 Napoleon objective test!! Please answer the following 20 objective questions--letters would be o.k.!

    1. Which list of titles correctly suggests the steps by which Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power?

    (a) general, emperor, first consul (b) emperor, general, first consul

    (c) first consul, general, emperor (d) general, first consul, emperor


    2. The downfall of Napoleon I was helped by all of these except:

    (a) the disaster of the Russian campaign (b) French imperalism in Mexico

    (c)British sea power (d)the rise of nationalistic feelilng in the dominated countries

    3. .An important result of the conquests of Napoleon Bonaparte was the:

    (a) beginning of German unification (b)creation of an African Empire

    (c)destruction of British Sea Power (d)French settlement of Canada


    4. A present-day French policy that came from Napoleon's reforms is

    (a) strong local government (b) respect for the monarchy

    (c)dependence on a large navy (d) national control of public education


    5.An effect of Napoleon's conquests on the nations of Europe was to

    (a) discourage the formation of alliances (b) encourage the growh of nationalism

    (c)establish free trade (d)strengthen feudalism

    6. Which of these would provide the most impartial account of Napoleon's rise to power?

    (a)a newspaper of the Napoleonic Era

    (b) letters written by the Duke of Wellington

    (c) an up-to-date encylopedia or internet resource

    (d) the diary of one of Napoleon's officers

    7. Which country was never invaded by Napoleon?

    (a) Spain (b) Italy (c)Prussia (d)England

    8.Napoleon gained power and became dictator of France through

    (a) cou d etat (b) an election as dictator (c) conquest (d) Concordat

    9.The method by which Napoleon tried to strangle Great Britain economically was known as :

    (a) Merchant guilds (b) the Continental System (c)) free trade (d) The commerical revolution

    10. Which of these statements about Napoleon is true?:

    (a) he believed in liberty and equal poliical rights

    (b) he carried the ideals of the French Revolution to other countries

    (c)he favoured the restoration of the old order in France

    (d) he successfully established French control over Spain

    11.The main importance of the Napoleonic code is that:

    (a) established democracy in France

    (b) became the basis of the law system of many countries.

    (c) suppressed the ideas of the French Revolution

    (d) was largely responsiblel for Napoleon's downfall

    12. The main source of Napoleon's strength was:

    (a)his army (b) his navy (c) loyality of his allies (d) his noble birth

    13. Napoleon's final place of exile was:

    (a) Elba (b) Rome (c) St. Helena (d) Paris

    14. The reform not attributed to Napoleon is :

    (a) the Concordat of 1801 (b) the Declaration of the Rights of Man (c) the Bank of France (d) the University of France

    15. The "Hundred Days" refer to:

    (a)the duration of the Reign of Terror

    (b)the resotration of Louis XVIII (c) the Russian campaign of 1812 (d) the return of Napoleon from Elba

    16. All of the following are reasons for Napoleon's rapid rise to power except his :

    (a) political alliance with the Jacobins

    (b) ability to inspire his followers

    (c) fortunate marriage to Josephine

    (d) brillant military successes

    17. The Egyptian campaign of Napoleon :

    (a) led to the disovery of the Rosetta Stone (b) caused England's loss of control over Egypt

    (c) brought the Near East under French control (d) led to a clash with Russia

    18. The United States became involved in a war with England during the Napoleonic era as a result:

    (a)the violation of the Monroe Doctrine (b) American desire to help France

    (c) interference with neutral shipping (d) English conquests on the European continent

    19. The Concordat with the Church:

    (a) restored church lands in France (b) permitted the Church to collect tithes

    (c)brought the support of the French clergy to Napoleon (d) agreed to let the State control education

    20. The University of France:

    (a) centralized French education in the hands of the State

    (b) excels in graduate study (c) helps to trainpriests (d) is like Royal Roads- a Military academy in Victoria


    Part 3 : Fill in the following with dates and details please!



    PART 4


    1. Why did members of the Third Estate resent the behaviour and attitude of the First and Second Estates of the Old Regime?


    2. Do you agree with members of the Jacobin Club that King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette should die ? Why?

    3. The Reign of Terror under Robespierre was worst time of the Revolution. True or False

    4. If Josephine Bonaparte and Marie Antoinette met at Versailles what would be the nature of the conversation?

    5. Napoleon was a greater general than Alexander the Great. True or False=Support your answer!

    6. Compare Napoleon's campaign in Russia in 1812 to Adolf Hitler's campaign in 1941.

    7. Why did Napoleon come back to France during the 'hundred days"?

    8. The Napoleonic Code is the most important legacy of Napoleon. True or False-Why?


    Part 5

    Web Sites:

    Goto SS9 Resource site and answer the following! based on selected web sites!

    a. Go to the web site -quiz on Louis and Marie: answer any 5 questions!

    b.Suggest why major European Powers love to go to the Palace of Versailles to sign Peace Treaties after major wars and hold coronations!





    Assignment on Chapter 4 THE TRIUMPH ON NATIONALISM (1848-1914)

    1. Read

    chapter from pages (62-81)


    2. Go to Research (9e and 9) and use the sites provided for the following questions


    3.Fill in the following Chart!










    1. Bismark


    3.King William I

    1. Alexander II
    2. Alexander III


    5. Show how the following men contributed to the growth of Italian nationalism-

    a. Napoleon Bonaparte
    b. Victor Emmanuel II
    c .Napoleon III

    6. Research Garibaldi and his volunteer army "Red Shirts"- What happened to this fighter after his campaign in Italy? When was the mountain near Whistler,B.C. named after him? Do you agree that this revolutionary should be honoured in B.C? What other political leader may have a mountain named after him?

    7. Go to the site SS9Enriched-Italian Unification movement- 1. Why was the Risorgimento movement supported by the middle classes and nobility rather than the lower classes and peasant population??

    8. In your opinion which leader, Mazzini, Cavour or Garibaldi contributed the most to the unification of Italy?? Why?



    1..GERMAN UNIFICATION-Name 3 major obtstacles to German unification before 1855.

    10. How did the Industrial Revolution (Railways and Industrial Plants, etc.) help to unifiy Germany?

    11. How did Bismark's policy of Blood and Iron and Realpolitik contribute to Germany's dominant position in Europe in the 1880's?

    12. Prussia was involved in 3 major wars(a Schleswig-Holstein) (b Austria) and (c Franco-Prussian)--Which one was the most important for Germany-Why?

    13. Suggest why many European Wars have the peace conference at the Versailles Palance near France? Why was William I was procalimed kaiser of Germany there?

    14. Which "Reich" was the most important for Germany? Why?

    15. Give examples of the policies followed by Bismark to earn him the title "Iron Chancellor"

    16. Why was the Krupp Work one of the most important industrial organizations of Germany?

    17. Kaiser William II's policy lead to the outbreak of WWI. Do you agree with this statement? Why?

    Repression and Reform in Russia

    Fill in the following Chart Please!

    Russia in the Early 1800's Strenthening the Autocracy A Period of Reform A return to Repression The Revolution of 1905
    1.agri economy based on serfdom

    1. Czar Alex I abandoned Enlightenment ideas

    Congress of Vienna-reactionary

    1.Serfdom inefficient 1.Alex III crush revolutionaries-strict censorship -spies 1. linked to Russian defeat in war against Japan 1904
    2. 40 million/total control by owners     2. attacks on Jews-ghettos and pogroms  


    1. Go to Research page- Compare and Contrast Map on "Historical Maps on the Balkans Regions"

    2. List 10 major ethnic minorities of Eastern Europe in the late 1800s. ( Map on page 78-text)

    3. Define with D&D on the following:

    a. Ottoman Empire
    b.Magyars of Hungary
    c.Hapsburg Rulers of Austria
    d.Francis Joseph
    e.dual monarchy
    f. universal male suffrage
    h."sick man of Europe"
    i. Balkanization
    j. Congress of Berlin 1878

    4. What is known as "Ethnic Cleansing"?

    5. How is the Nato/Serbia war in the late 1990s connected with the trends you found out in this chapter?